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Es stehen 2 Sprüche von Waris Dirie im Spruch-Archiv

Zufallsspruch von Waris Dirie

Tanja 5462 Sprüche 06.02.2017 - 13:19   nicht einsortierter Spruch Facebook Share
“I feel that God made my body perfect the way I was born.
Then man robbed me, took away my power, and left me a cripple.
My womanhood was stolen.
If God had wanted those body parts missing, why did he create them?
I just pray that one day no woman will have to experience this pain.
It will become a thing of the past.
People will say "Did you hear,
female genital mutilation has been outlawed in Somalia?"
Then the next country, and the next, and so on,
until the world is safe for all women.
What a happy day that will be,
and that's what I'm working toward.
In'shallah, if God is willing, it will happen.

Waris Dirie
Mann & Frau
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