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Joha 2178 Sprüche 31.10.2012 - 09:42   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
Because sometimes things happen to people
and they're not equipped to deal with them.

Katniss Everdeen in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins

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blackrose 15 Sprüche Wir fangen Feuer
wenn wir brennen,
brennen Sie mit.

Suzanne Collins
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deutscher Spruch  07.11.2014 - 20:16
Spruch-Bewertung: 6,00 Vote:

blackrose 15 Sprüche I'm not like you:
they can't hurt me
there's no one left
I love

Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  07.11.2014 - 20:14
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:


Joha 2178 Sprüche [...] It feels impossible to take pleasure in anything
because I'm afraid it could be taken away.

Katniss Everdeen in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:54
Spruch-Bewertung: 9,00 Vote:



Joha 2178 Sprüche Thinking I had next to no friends
because I intimidated people
by being so exceptional is not true.
I had next to no friends because I wasn't friendly.

according to Katniss Everdeen in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:50
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:



Joha 2178 Sprüche They can pump whatever they want into my arm
but it takes more than that
to keep a person going once she's lost the will to live.

Katniss Everdeen in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:45
Spruch-Bewertung: 9,00 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche Let them go, I tell myself. Say good-bye and forget them.
I do my best, thinking of them one by one,
releasing them like birds from the protective cages inside me,
locking the doors against their return.

Katniss Everdeen in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:44
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,33 Vote:


Joha 2178 Sprüche At some point, you have to stop running
and turn around and face whoever wants you dead.
The hard thing is finding the courage to do it.

Katniss Everdeen in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:43
Spruch-Bewertung: 9,00 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche Because sometimes things happen to people
and they're not equipped to deal with them.

Katniss Everdeen in "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:42
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche So I learned to hold my tongue
and to turn my features into an indifferent mask
so that no one could ever read my thoughts

Katniss Everdeen in "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  31.10.2012 - 09:30
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Saskia 2282 Sprüche What I need is the dandelion in the spring.
The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction.
The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses.
That it can be good again.

from "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  27.01.2012 - 16:40
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,50 Vote:
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Saskia 2282 Sprüche I wish I could freeze this moment,
right here, right now and live in it forever.

from "Catching Fire" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  27.01.2012 - 16:33
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,57 Vote:
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Saskia 2282 Sprüche It takes ten times as long
to put yourself back together
as it does to fall apart.

Finnick in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins
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englischer Spruch  03.07.2011 - 14:33
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:
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