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Suche nach allen Sprüchen vom Autor 'Daniel Yankelovich',
eingetragen ab dem 16.08.2017 von 'Tanja'

Tanja 5462 Sprüche 18.03.2021 - 23:04   nicht einsortierter Spruch Facebook Share
The first step is to measure
whatever can be easily measured.
This is OK as far as it goes.
The second step is to disregard
that which can't be easily measured
or to give it an arbitrary quantitative value.
This is artificial and misleading.
The third step is to presume
that what can't be measured easily
really isn't important.
This is blindness.
The fourth step is to say
that what can't be easily measured
really doesn't exist.
This is suicide.

Daniel Yankelovich
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