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Tanja 5462 Sprüche 11.04.2014 - 09:53   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
The healthiest route, of course, is not to take the drug at all:
but for those who are addicted, prohibition inflicts danger and death.
Water would become dangerous if it were banned
and handed over to a criminal black market.

from "The Guardian"

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Fr, 11. April 2014, 10:07
Tanja 5462 Sprüche
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Das Zitat ist aus diesem Artikel über Drogenlegalisierung.

Hope is the biggest lie there is, and it is the best.
We have to keep going as if it all mattered, or else we wouldn't keep going at all.
Allie Keys in "Taken"

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Tanja 5462 Sprüche 11.04.2014 - 09:53   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
The healthiest route, of course, is not to take the drug at all:
but for those who are addicted, prohibition inflicts danger and death.
Water would become dangerous if it were banned
and handed over to a criminal black market.

from "The Guardian"
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