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Es stehen 3 Sprüche von "Taken" im Spruch-Archiv

Zufallsspruch von "Taken"

Tanja 5462 Sprüche 12.04.2011 - 22:50   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
My grandfather used to tell my mom
that kids should never have to worry
about anything more serious than baseball.
Everything you need to know is there.
It has success and failure,
moments when you come together
and moments where you stand alone.
And it has an ending.
Not a clock, like in other sports, but an ending.
And that, my grandfather said to my mom,
is as close as a kid should have to come to that sort of thing.

Allie in "Taken"
Mut & Angst
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aus Film und Fernsehen 

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