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Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Right now someone you haven't met is out there,
wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you.
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englischer Spruch  13.06.2015 - 20:40
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Memories...
Memories blur into dreams
Light bleeds into truth Everything unforgiving
Everything becoming hollow
Loneliness consumes
And there is no way back
The places you played
The places you called home
The people you thought you loved
All of them
Reduced to a memory of another life
Life you never lived
All the yesterdays that can't form a tomorrow
All the tomorrows
That never came from yesterday
A new beginning
Because forever Is never forever.
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englischer Spruch  27.02.2015 - 19:10
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,25 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others
and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd
You are no longer a sheep.
You've become a lion.
A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom.
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englischer Spruch  16.11.2014 - 01:25
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,50 Vote:


Jellyfish 257 Sprüche I like places with crowds.
Because when I want to be alone they will give me freedom.
If I don't want to be alone,
they will accept me if I reach out to them.
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englischer Spruch  16.11.2014 - 01:15
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche I do think that from the moment we're born,
we have a drive to keep looking
for something to give our lives 'Meaning'.
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englischer Spruch  16.11.2014 - 01:13
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Calling it like or love doesn't even beginn to describe it.
There are no words that can capture this feeling.
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englischer Spruch  16.11.2014 - 01:04
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Truth is Truth
even if no one believes it

A Lie is a Lie
even if everyone believes it.
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englischer Spruch  09.09.2014 - 19:34
Spruch-Bewertung: 6,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche I don't have a name but you can call me Amalthea.
I am a unicorn, I was the last.
And now I am the first,
the first to know mortality,
the first to regret,
the first to fall n love.
I wander the world now looking for something.
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englischer Spruch  24.02.2014 - 20:22
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche As long as we're still moving forward,
the "farewells" are definitely unavoidable

Love so life
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englischer Spruch  26.12.2013 - 18:10
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche If you don't know where you are going,
any road will get you there
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englischer Spruch  07.12.2013 - 20:40
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Normal is an illusion.
What is normal for the spider,
is chaos for the fly.

Morticia Addams
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englischer Spruch  21.11.2013 - 16:42
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche No matter how little power, it can be used in some way.
We might be useless, but at some point,
we might turn out useful too.
Keep watching, don't get distracted.
If the right time comes,
even a little power could change the future of the world.
That's why we must always be focused
and not let that moment slip away.

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englischer Spruch  31.07.2013 - 11:08
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche 'Do you hate people?'
'I don't hate them... I just feel better when they're not around.'

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englischer Spruch  20.07.2013 - 19:08
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche You can't choose who you fall in love with.
The heart has a mind of it's own after all.
What else should you do?
Isn't it fine to just follow your feelings?
'cuz I'm sure you'll find happiness if you do.

Manga Ookami Shoujo tokuro
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englischer Spruch  06.07.2013 - 00:13
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche You hear people say now and then
that life is no more than killing time.
It's true.
For me, is livning my life has never meant anything more than that
and whether you enjoy that time or make it boring
is up to the individual.
For myself, I'm devoted to my chosen course of making it boring.

manga Akudama
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englischer Spruch  27.06.2013 - 14:32
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche In the next life... You won't have to cry.
You won't have to worry.
You won't have to fight.
Everything here is a illusion. Everything here isn't real.
We're just passing through....
...in order to live a better life in Heaven....
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englischer Spruch  14.06.2013 - 00:49
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche When you fall you must stand.
Because when you are the only one standing
everyone is depending on you,
you will be the savvier,
you will be the one to rise and show the path,
you will be the one that becomes the king.
In this world only one can stand and that one person is you.
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englischer Spruch  24.05.2013 - 17:50
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche You fall in order to get back up.
You get up to face the next challenge.
You face the next challenge to become stronger.
You become stronger to become independent.
You become independent to overthrow.
You overthrow to conquer life.
You conquer life to become the one that stands above.
You become the one that stands above to only be ready
to bring up those who conquer life.
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englischer Spruch  24.05.2013 - 17:47
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,50 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche I’ll always be waiting.
No matter how many years go by,
no matter how old I get,
I’ll always be waiting here for you.
One day, they’ll surely cross paths.
When that time comes, I definitely won’t let you go without a word.

No.6 (anime)
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englischer Spruch  20.05.2013 - 22:01
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:



Jellyfish 257 Sprüche So true.
We strive in school to achieve something we don't even want.
Then when we are done with school and we get a job,
we strive to something within that job,
and that carries on our whole life.
We are striving to achieve something we will never get.
UNLESS, we do something different with our lifes.

If you have any dreams,
do whatever you can to achieve that dream.
THEN you will be happy.
And that is when you start living!
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englischer Spruch  16.05.2013 - 00:23
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:



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