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Suche nach allen Sprüchen mit 'night', eingetragen von 'Joha'

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Joha 2178 Sprüche [...] being human is being a young child on Christmas Day
who receives and absolutely magnificent castle.
And there is a perfect photograph of this castle on the box
and you want more than anything
to play with the castle and the knights and the princesses
because it looks like such a perfect human world,
but the only problem is that the castle isn't built.
It's in tiny intricate pieces,
and although there's a book of instructions you don't understand it.
And nor can your parents or Aunt Sylvie.
So you are just left,
crying at the ideal castle on the box
which no one would ever be able to build.

from "The Humans" by Matt Haig
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englischer Spruch  12.09.2014 - 12:23
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
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Joha 2178 Sprüche Sometimes I wish I had never met you.
Because then I could go to sleep at night
not knowing there was someone like you out there.

from "Good Will Hunting"
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englischer Spruch  03.06.2012 - 13:47
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:


Joha 2178 Sprüche Nobody cares cause I'm alone and the world is
having more fun than me tonight

Simple Plan - I'm Just a Kid
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englischer Spruch  08.01.2012 - 12:54
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
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Joha 2178 Sprüche I'm just a kid and life is a nightmare
I'm just a kid - I know that it's not fair

Simple Plan - I'm Just a Kid
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englischer Spruch  08.01.2012 - 12:53
Spruch-Bewertung: 3,00 Vote:
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Joha 2178 Sprüche So tonight I'm calling all astronauts
All the lonely people that the world forgot
If you hear my voice come pick me up
Are you out there?
'Cause you're all I've got...

Simple Plan - Astronaut
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englischer Spruch  26.12.2011 - 12:11
Spruch-Bewertung: 2,00 Vote:
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Joha 2178 Sprüche You say good morning when it's midnight
Going out of my head, alone in this bed
I wake up to your sunset
And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad
And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged

Simple Plan - Jetlag
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englischer Spruch  26.12.2011 - 12:08
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Songtexten, Liebeskummer 


Joha 2178 Sprüche They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear.
But the night my parents were murdered
I caught a glimpse of something.
I've looked for it ever since.
I went around the world, searched in all the shadows.
And there is something out there in the darkness,
something terrifying, something that will not stop
until it gets revenge.

Bruce Wayne in "Batman Begins"
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englischer Spruch  07.12.2010 - 20:46
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,00 Vote:
aus Film und Fernsehen 



Joha 2178 Sprüche They're gonna hang me in the mornin'
'fore the night is done
They're gonna hang me in the mornin'
I'll never see the sun.

Tucker's song in "3:10 to Yuma"
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englischer Spruch  04.08.2010 - 12:14
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Film und Fernsehen 


Joha 2178 Sprüche Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one will ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe it's not the real Me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become

Three Days Grace - Animal I Have Become
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englischer Spruch  23.10.2009 - 15:00
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
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Joha 2178 Sprüche What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?

Pink - Dear Mr. President
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englischer Spruch  17.10.2009 - 19:23
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,83 Vote:
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