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Su-Ki 5781 Sprüche 20.06.2009 - 10:54   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
There is no such thing as a nice teacher.

If you think you have a nice teacher, then you are wrong.

Inside every nice teacher
there is a mean and rotten teacher bursting to get out.
The nicer the teacher is on the outside,
the meaner the teacher inside is.

Louis Sachar

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Su-Ki 5781 Sprüche There is no such thing as a nice teacher.

If you think you have a nice teacher, then you are wrong.

Inside every nice teacher
there is a mean and rotten teacher bursting to get out.
The nicer the teacher is on the outside,
the meaner the teacher inside is.

Louis Sachar
Charakter Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  20.06.2009 - 10:54
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,00 Vote:
Schule, Zitate 


Tanja 5462 Sprüche As long as there are tests,
there will be prayer in public schools.
Gemeines Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  12.10.2006 - 19:06
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jingle 799 Sprüche Men are born ignorant, not stupid;
they are made stupid by education

Bertrand Russell
Mann & Frau Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  15.03.2005 - 16:14
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
Schule, Zitate, Erziehung