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Saskia 2282 Sprüche 20.07.2011 - 11:40   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
I can live without you,
but without you I'll be miserable at best.

Mayday Parade - Miserable At Best
Trauer & Trost

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So, 19. Februar 2012, 20:34
offline offline

I love that song ! :)
but it has to be: I'd be miserable at best ;)
So, 19. Februar 2012, 22:22
Xian 1367 Sprüche
offline offline
they are clearly singing "without you I'll be miserable at best"
SignaturLiebe Grüße,
Christian 1367 Sprüche

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W-P The hardest part of living is just taking breath to stay.

Mayday Parade
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englischer Spruch  14.09.2013 - 03:28
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