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Jellyfish 257 Sprüche 17.05.2013 - 23:43   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
We all make choices, but in the end,
our choices make us

Andrew Ryan in "Bioshock"

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Suche nach allen Sprüchen mit 'choice'

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Sortierung: Datum down - User - Bewertung - Autor - Sprache - Spruch - Kommentare 53 Sprüche auf 3 Seiten

Schäfchen 87 Sprüche The brightness of the sun will give me just enough
to bury my love in the moondust
I long to hear your voice but still I made the choice
to bury my love in the moondust

Jaymes Young
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deutscher Spruch  20.05.2016 - 00:29
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

garfield06 20 Sprüche My life,
my rules,
my choices,
my mistakes,
not your buisness!
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englischer Spruch  08.10.2014 - 11:52
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Fear is not real; it's a product of thoughts you create.
Danger is very real, but fear is a choice.
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englischer Spruch  12.09.2014 - 15:58
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Joy 4965 Sprüche Being male is a matter of birth.
Being a man is a matter of age.
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice.
Mann & Frau Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  27.07.2014 - 12:59
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,33 Vote:

Alex 216 Sprüche Life is simple.
You make choices
and don't look back.
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englischer Spruch  27.07.2014 - 11:34
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Alex 216 Sprüche Trusting you is my decision.
Proving me wrong is your choice.

Patrick Star
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englischer Spruch  27.07.2014 - 11:29
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Ellie 313 Sprüche Sometimes you make choices in life
and sometimes choices make you

Gayle Forman
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deutscher Spruch  26.07.2014 - 01:23
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche Sometimes, making the wrong choice
is better than making no choice.
You have the courage to go forward, that is rare.
A person who stands at the fork, unable to pick,
will never get anywhere.

The Bird Man in "Wizard's First Rule" by Terry Goodkind
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englischer Spruch  04.07.2014 - 21:33
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:


Ansch 509 Sprüche You have to continuously make choices
throughout your life.
Whether it is made consciously or unconsciously,
by making a choice
means that you must have also given up on something.
If you do not hold any regret in your choice,
that means you must have made the right decision.

Yoshida Yuzan in "Tonari No Kaibutsu-Kun"
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englischer Spruch  10.04.2014 - 13:15
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I'd give up all the world
to see that little piece of heaven looking
back at me
Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I've gotta live with the choices I made
And I cant live with myself today

Skillet - Lucy
Trauer & Trost Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  31.03.2014 - 18:10
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Saskia 2282 Sprüche Most things will be okay eventually,
but not everything will be.
Sometimes you’ll put up a good fight and lose.
Sometimes you’ll hold on really hard
and realize there is no choice but to let go.
Acceptance is a small, quiet room.

Cheryl Strayed
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englischer Spruch  13.01.2014 - 15:52
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Ansch 509 Sprüche Given a choice between two theories,
take the one which is funnier
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englischer Spruch  05.12.2013 - 20:35
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,00 Vote:

Tanja 5462 Sprüche We're all standing on the edge of a cliff,
all the time, every day, a cliff we're all going over.
Our choice isn't about that.
Our choice is about whether we want to go kicking and screaming
or whether we might want to open our eyes and our hearts
to what happens once we start to fall.

Allie Keys in "Taken"
Mut & Angst Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  12.10.2013 - 16:39
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:



Saskia 2282 Sprüche How can you do the right thing
when you can't figure out what that thing is?
When all you have before you are choices
in various shades of wrong?

from "Bruiser" by Neal Shusterman
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englischer Spruch  10.05.2013 - 16:04
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Jellyfish 257 Sprüche Every day when you wake up, you have a choice.
You can choose to be a grouchy jerk
or you can choose to be positive.
Simple as that.
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englischer Spruch  27.04.2013 - 13:45
Spruch-Bewertung: 10,00 Vote:

CJ. 5 Sprüche F-E-A-R has two meanings:
"Forget Everything And Run"
or "Face Everything And Rise".
The choice is yours.

Zig Ziglar
Mut & Angst Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  08.12.2012 - 15:27
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,67 Vote:


Loa 914 Sprüche You never know how strong you are
until being strong is the only choice you have.
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  08.04.2012 - 23:46
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,67 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche Love is a choice we make.
If you take away that choice, it's not really love.

Kahlan in "Legend of the Seeker"
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englischer Spruch  28.03.2012 - 19:01
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,00 Vote:
aus Film und Fernsehen 

Mirea 5130 Sprüche You can't judge my choices
without knowing my reasons.
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englischer Spruch  22.03.2012 - 01:18
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,00 Vote:


Loa 914 Sprüche Life is like a roller coaster.
It has its ups and downs.
But it's your choice to scream
or to enjoy the ride.
Metaphern Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  25.09.2011 - 20:42
Spruch-Bewertung: 9,00 Vote:

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