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Calleigh 808 Sprüche 24.03.2014 - 10:48   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
I wake up everyday
planning to be productive
and then a voice in my head says
"haha good one" and we laugh and laugh and take a nap.
Ironie - Fun

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Joy 4965 Sprüche Who needs words?
Dancing needs no talks anyway.
It's the way your feeds smile
or laugh
it lets you say so many things.

aus "Die kleine Meerjungfrau"
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  22.07.2016 - 15:39
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Joy 4965 Sprüche When you Dream
there's a chance you'll find
a little laughter
or happy ever after.

aus "High School Musical 2"
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
nicht einsortierter Spruch  22.07.2016 - 15:12
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Schäfchen 87 Sprüche Well it rains and it pours when you're out on your own
If I crash on the couch can I sleep in my clothes?
'cause I've spent the night dancing
I'm drunk I suppose
If it looks like I'm laughing
I'm really just asking to leave
This alone
you're in time for the show
You're the one that I need
I'm the one that you loathe
You can watch me corrode
Like a beast in repose
'cause I love all the poison
Away with the boys in the band
I've really been on a bender and it shows
So why don't you blow me
a kiss before she goes?

My Chemical Romance
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  01.02.2016 - 23:43
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Lizzy 14 Sprüche Laughing with you is the best kind of laugh I know.
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  05.01.2016 - 23:40
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:


pinky 871 Sprüche If I could give you any gift
I'd give you love and laughter,
a peaceful heart, a special dream
and joy forever after.
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  06.05.2015 - 08:28
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

pinky 871 Sprüche The body heals with play,
the mind heals with laughter
and the spirit heals with joy.

Sprichwort erlaubterlaubtAllgemeingut zur freien Verwendung
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  03.02.2015 - 07:02
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

pinky 871 Sprüche May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world,
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours.

Old Irish Blessing
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  05.01.2015 - 20:04
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

pinky 871 Sprüche A good laugh and a long sleep
are the two best cures
for anything.

Irish Proverb
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englischer Spruch  03.12.2014 - 08:35
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche If you are laughing, check that you don't really want to cry
And vice versa.

from "The Humans" by Matt Haig
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englischer Spruch  13.09.2014 - 11:58
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Büchern 

Joha 2178 Sprüche New technology, on Earth,
just means something you will laugh at in five years.
Value the stuff you won't laugh at in five years.

from "The Humans" by Matt Haig
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englischer Spruch  13.09.2014 - 11:55
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Büchern 


Tanja 5462 Sprüche I love people who make me laugh.
I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh.
It cures a multitude of ills.
It's probably the most important thing in a person.

Audrey Hepburn
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englischer Spruch  15.06.2014 - 10:57
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Laugh as much as you breath
and love as long as you live.
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englischer Spruch  21.04.2014 - 14:53
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Laughter and tears are both
responses to frustration and exhaustion.
I myself prefer to laugh,
since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.

Kurt Vonnegut
Ironie Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  30.03.2014 - 13:45
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.

Yiddish Proverb erlaubterlaubtAllgemeingut zur freien Verwendung
Pfeil Zur Autorenbiographie

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englischer Spruch  30.03.2014 - 13:44
Spruch-Bewertung: 9,00 Vote:


Calleigh 808 Sprüche Awake, thou wintry earth -
Fling off thy sadness!
Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth
Your ancient gladness!

Thomas Blackburn
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englischer Spruch  27.03.2014 - 22:33
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche That awkward moment when you tell a joke
and you're the only one who laughs
Ironie Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  26.03.2014 - 19:50
Spruch-Bewertung: 4,50 Vote:

Joha 2178 Sprüche Sometimes it's better to just speak your mind.
Say what you think, what you feel.
You might be rejected, even laughed at.
But still, it's better than spending every single day
thinking "What if ..."

Johanna Füracker erlaubterlaubtNichtkommerzielle Verwendung des Spruches mit Autorenangabe ausdrücklich erlaubt
Pfeil Zur Autorenbiographie

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englischer Spruch  25.03.2014 - 18:07
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche I wake up everyday
planning to be productive
and then a voice in my head says
"haha good one" and we laugh and laugh and take a nap.
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englischer Spruch  24.03.2014 - 10:48
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche That awkward moment
when no one else is laughing,
except for you and you can’t stop.

Calleigh J. Sanders erlaubterlaubtNichtkommerzielle Verwendung des Spruches mit Autorenangabe ausdrücklich erlaubt
Gemeines Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  24.03.2014 - 10:35
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Laughing is the best medicine
- But if you're laughing for no reason, you need medicine
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englischer Spruch  23.03.2014 - 15:37
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Blood 900 Sprüche Mirror is my best friend,
cause when I cry it never laughs.
Ironie Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  17.03.2014 - 23:41
Spruch-Bewertung: 10,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche I went to bed I was thinking about you
I wanna talk and laugh like we used to
When I see you in my dreams at night
It's so real but it's in my mind...

Skillet - Don't Wake Me
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englischer Spruch  12.02.2014 - 12:24
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

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