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Calleigh 808 Sprüche You and I will meet again
When we’re least expecting it
One day in some far off place
I will recognize your face
I won’t say goodbye my friend
For you and I will meet again

Tom Petty
Trauer & Trost Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 20:30
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Loa 914 Sprüche Young people are very cynical now, you know?
Very cynical! They've been taught cynicism,
they've been - they've been bred cynicism.
So, I think it's important to give them hope
and realism in the same package, you know?
You can be realistic but there should be
- there should be hope in it.
Because hope's what we're about.
If we don't have hope then we don't go on.

Tom Petty
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  18.12.2011 - 14:21
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote: