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Su-Ki 5781 Sprüche 26.05.2021 - 12:33   nicht einsortierter Spruch Facebook Share
If you are uncomfortable —
in deep pain, angry, yearning, confused
you don't have a problem, you have a life.
Being human is not hard because you're doing it wrong,
it's hard because you're doing it right.
You will never change the fact that being human is hard,
so you must change your idea
that it was ever supposed to be easy.

Glennon Doyle

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Su-Ki 5781 Sprüche If you are uncomfortable —
in deep pain, angry, yearning, confused
you don't have a problem, you have a life.
Being human is not hard because you're doing it wrong,
it's hard because you're doing it right.
You will never change the fact that being human is hard,
so you must change your idea
that it was ever supposed to be easy.

Glennon Doyle
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nicht einsortierter Spruch  26.05.2021 - 12:33
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote: