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Kommentare zum Spruch

LenaFangirl 21 Sprüche 25.01.2017 - 17:53   nicht einsortierter Spruch Facebook Share
Your gratitude is valuable for anyone.
Is not grateful to everybody.
Is to those Thankfully you really love and
to you do something good and nicely to you are.
If you waste your gratitude,
your heart does not believe you any more you it so means.


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Suche nach allen Sprüchen mit 'Grat' vom Autor 'LenaFangirl',
die mit '5' oder höher bewertet sind

LenaFangirl 21 Sprüche 25.01.2017 - 17:53   nicht einsortierter Spruch Facebook Share
Your gratitude is valuable for anyone.
Is not grateful to everybody.
Is to those Thankfully you really love and
to you do something good and nicely to you are.
If you waste your gratitude,
your heart does not believe you any more you it so means.

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