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Joha 2178 Sprüche 21.05.2013 - 16:14   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
When people think you're dying,
then they really, really listen to you
instead of just waiting for their turn to speak.

according to "Fight Club"

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Di, 21. Mai 2013, 16:18
Joha 2178 Sprüche
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Im Original ein Dialog zwischen dem Erzähler und Marla:

"When people think you're dying, then they really, really listen to you instead of just..." - "...instead of just waiting for their turn to speak."

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Joha 2178 Sprüche People will believe a lie because they want it to be true.
Or because they are afraid it might be true.

Zedd in "Legend of the Seeker"
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englischer Spruch  25.03.2012 - 20:26
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aus Film und Fernsehen