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Mirea 5130 Sprüche 20.06.2012 - 21:47   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
We still believe in all the things that we stood by before.
And after everything we've seen here, maybe even more.
I know we're not the only ones, and we were not the first.
And unapologetically we'll stand behind each word.

Rise Against - Architects

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Mi, 23. Januar 2013, 17:04
Talnop 3019 Sprüche
offline offline
:confused2: Stand we really unapologetically behind each word? I think, we are standing behind our interests, the words are only a distorted image by our interests!:yes:
Lgr Talnop

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Saskia 2282 Sprüche Es war immer so laut und Liebe ist leise.
Hast du sie nie gehört?
Sie hat die ganze Zeit geflüstert.

Bosse - Liebe ist leise
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deutscher Spruch  10.04.2012 - 23:52
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,00 Vote:
aus Songtexten 

Mirea 5130 Sprüche All we've ever wanted
is to look good naked,
Hope that someone can take it.

Robbie Williams - Bodies
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englischer Spruch  08.04.2012 - 11:25
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Songtexten 





Mirea 5130 Sprüche That's when she said:
"I don't hate you boy,
I just wanna save you
while there's still something left to save."
That's when I told her:
"I love you girl,
but I'm not the answer
for the questions that you still have."

Rise Against - Savior
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englischer Spruch  31.03.2012 - 18:39
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,50 Vote:
aus Songtexten 

Mirea 5130 Sprüche A hero of war,
is that what they see?
Just medals and scars,
so damn proud of me.
And I brought home that flag,
now it gathers dust.
But it's the flag that I love.
It's the only flag I trust.

Rise Against - Hero of War
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englischer Spruch  31.03.2012 - 18:36
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:
aus Songtexten, Krieg 


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