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Tanja 5462 Sprüche 07.04.2014 - 17:01   englischer Spruch Facebook Share
If the worst-case scenario about climate change,
all the worst predictions, if they never materialize,
what will be the harm that is done
from having made the decision to respond to it?
We would actually leave our air cleaner.
We would leave our water cleaner.
We would actually make our food supply more secure.
Our populations would be healthier
because of fewer particulates of pollution in the air
– less cost to health care. […]
But imagine if the 97 percent of those scientists are correct
and the people who say no are wrong.
Then the people who say no will have presented us
with one of the most catastrophic, grave threats
in the history of human life.

John Kerry in his speech "Remarks on Climate Change", 16.2.2014

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Tanja 5462 Sprüche Economists don’t forecast because they know,
they forecast because they’re asked.

John K. Galbraith
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englischer Spruch  17.10.2019 - 10:38
Spruch-Bewertung: 7,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Be who you are and say what you feel,
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.

Dr. Seuss
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englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 19:03
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche When solving problems, dig at the roots
instead of just hacking at the leaves.

Anthony J. D'Angelo
Ratschläge Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 18:48
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!

Dr. Seuss
Mut & Angst Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 18:36
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Books are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time.

E.P. Whipple
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englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 12:57
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;
they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors,
and the most patient of teachers.

Charles W. Eliot
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englischer Spruch  20.11.2014 - 12:48
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.

St. Augustine
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englischer Spruch  19.11.2014 - 23:08
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche There are two kinds of egotists:
Those who admit it and the rest of us.

Laurence J. Peter
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englischer Spruch  19.11.2014 - 22:06
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche A hug is an amazing thing
It's just the perfect way
To show the love we're feeling
But can't find the words to say

Johnny Ray Ryder jr.
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  19.11.2014 - 20:15
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Tanja 5462 Sprüche You can't really say anything bad about E minor, A minor, D, and G
– I mean, they're just good chords.

Peter Buck, guitarist of R.E.M.
Ironie Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  28.10.2014 - 19:35
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Tanja 5462 Sprüche Is 'fat' really the worst thing a human being can be?
Is 'fat' worse than 'vindictive', 'jealous', 'shallow',
'vain', 'boring' or 'cruel'?
Not to me.

Joanne K. Rowling
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englischer Spruch  13.09.2014 - 19:42
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Courage is combating fear with wise judgment
and not with recklessness

Dr.Mohammed Abad Alrazak
Mut & Angst Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  12.09.2014 - 16:34
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Happiness silences the agony of life
and devours your soul and others with joy

Dr.Mohammed Abad Alrazak
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  12.09.2014 - 16:29
Spruch-Bewertung: 5,50 Vote:


Joha 2178 Sprüche You shall love your crooked neighbour, with your crooked heart.

W. H. Auden
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englischer Spruch  04.08.2014 - 15:14
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Tanja 5462 Sprüche The test of a first-rate intelligence
is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time
and still retain the ability to function.

F. Scott Fitzgerald
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englischer Spruch  19.07.2014 - 23:40
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Tanja 5462 Sprüche The best teachers are those who show you where to look,
but don't tell you what to see

Alexandra K. Trenfor
Weisheiten Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  06.07.2014 - 18:14
Spruch-Bewertung: 8,33 Vote:




Tanja 5462 Sprüche Our enemies are innovative and resourceful,
and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways
to harm our country and our people,
and neither do we.

George W. Bush
Fun Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  02.07.2014 - 21:10
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:


Calleigh 808 Sprüche I don't need a hero.
All I need is just a friend like you
who is going with me through all the times!

Calleigh J. Sanders erlaubterlaubtNichtkommerzielle Verwendung des Spruches mit Autorenangabe ausdrücklich erlaubt
Freundschaft Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  22.04.2014 - 22:03
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Calleigh 808 Sprüche Reality is my prison,
but fantasy helps me to escape
and be free.

Calleigh J. Sanders erlaubterlaubtNichtkommerzielle Verwendung des Spruches mit Autorenangabe ausdrücklich erlaubt
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  16.04.2014 - 15:58
Spruch-Bewertung: 0,00 Vote:

Ansch 509 Sprüche Do you know why snow is white?
Because it forgot what color it was.

C.C. in "Code Geass"
Tiefsinniges Facebook Share
englischer Spruch  10.04.2014 - 12:45
Spruch-Bewertung: 6,67 Vote:

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